Top 20 NewSpace companies
These are 20 of the most innovative and disruptive NewSpace companies to watch:
These are 20 of the most innovative and disruptive NewSpace companies to watch:
Rocket 4.0 - orbital rocket
ASE, ASE Max - electric propulsion for satellites
Peregrine, Griffin - lunar landers
CubeRover - lunar rover
In-orbit servicing, debris removal, and end of life
Axiom Hub One - space station
Private missions to ISS
New Shepherd - suborbital rocket
New Glenn - orbital rocket | BE-4 - rocket engine
Alpha, Beta - orbital rockets
Blue Ghost - lunar lander
Eris - orbital rocket
Nova-C, Nova-D, Nova-M - lunar landers
µNova - lunar hopper
LEO mapping data, analytics
Phased-array radar network
Xelene - lunar lander
Orbital service and transfer vehicle
ALINA - lunar lander
Audi Lunar Quattro - lunar rover
Terran 1, Terran R - 3D printed orbital rockets
Neutron, Electron - orbital rockets
Photon - spacecraft
Skyora XL - orbital rocket | Third Stage, Space Tug - orbital spacecraft
Skylark L, Skyhy - suborbital rockets
SpaceBalloon - suborbital high-altitude (30km) balloon
Neptune - pressurized capsule
Falcon, Falcon Heavy - orbital rockets
Starship - point-to-point, lunar, Mars rocket + spacecraft
Orbital, suborbital electric centrifugal launchers
Orbital manufacturing facility
Cosmic Girl, LauncherOne - orbital aircraft launcher + rocket
WhiteKnight Two, SpaceshipTwo - suborbital aircraft launcher + spaceplane
I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
-- Galileo Galilei