This pages lists the 182 moons of all the planets in our solar system. Every year or so new moons are discovered for the outer planets.
0 Moons for Mercury
0 Moons for Venus
1 Moon of Earth
2 Moons of Mars
0 Moons for Dwarf Ceres
67 Moons of Jupiter (in order of size)
The first 4 moons listed, the Galilean moons, are viewable with binoculars and any telescope.
62 Moons of Saturn (in order of size)
The first 6 moons listed are viewable using a decent-sized telescope. Titan is viewable with binoculars.

S/2004 S13

S/2006 S1

S/2004 S17

S/2004 S12

S/2007 S3

S/2004 S7

S/2006 S3
27 Moons of Uranus (in order of size)
Titania can be viewed with a larger telescope.
14 Moons of Neptune (in order of size)
Triton is viewable using a good-sized telescope.
5 Moons of Dwarf Pluto (in order of size)
1 Moon of Dwarf Orcus
2 Moons of Dwarf Haumea
1 Moon of Dwarf Quaoar
0 Moons for Dwarf Makemake
0 Moons for Dwarf 2007 OR10
1 Moon of Dwarf Eris
0 Moons for Dwarf Sedna
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