Earth the water planet

Earth is the third planet of our solar system. It has one natural moon, 5 natural quasi-satellites, two space stations, a couple dozen space telescopes, and ~5,000 operational satellites (Starlink, OneWeb, Iridium, GPS, etc.) that orbit around it. Earth is the densest planet (and object) in the solar system.

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  Original image: NASA

Mass: 5.9 x 1024 kg
Radius: 6,378 km
Density: 5.52 gm/cm3
Distance from Sun: 149.6 million km
Rotational period: 23.93 days
Orbital period: 365.26 days
Orbital velocity: 29.79 km/sec
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.017
Tilt of axis: 23.45 °
Inclination of orbit: 0.0 °
Surface gravity: 9.78 m/sec2
Escape velocity: 11.2 km/sec
Albedo: 0.37
Surface temperature: 14°C mean
Atmosphere: N2 = 78%
O2 = 21%
water vapor = 1%
CO2 = 0.04%
Moons: 1

Here are the major surface features that can be seen from space without magnification:

Amazon River South America
Chernobyl cooling pond Ukraine
Ganges River India
Grand Canyon USA
Great Barrier Reef Australia
Great Pyramids of Giza Egypt
Greenhouses of Almeria
Himalayas Asia
Kennecott Copper Mine USA
Palm Island Dubai
River Thames United Kingdom
Cities at night worldwide

Planet sizes are to relative scale.