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CCD Imaging Software for Astrophotography
For astrophotography using "single-frame" CCD cameras, image-processing software is needed to produce the end digital images. Such software, besides doing routine image processing, handles image stacking, filtering, astrometry, photometry and CCD camera control. Truly outstanding images that rival what the world's best telescopes produced a decade ago is within reach of the amateur astronomer today. Some popular titles of CCD imaging software include:
AIP4Win from Willmann-Bell
AstroArt from MLB Software
CCDSharp from SBIG
CCDSoft from Software Bisque
MaxIm DL software from Diffraction Limited
MIRA software from Axiom Research
PRiSM from Axilone Multimedia
RegiStar from Auriga Imaging
Starry Night AstroPhoto Suite (MaxIM DL plugin)
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