100 Notable Galaxies

An A-to-Z list of 100 notable galaxies of the night sky. Dim, diffuse objects like galaxies require lots of telescope aperture and are ideal for viewing with a dobsonian telescope. Also see the Local Group of Galaxies.

Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
barred spiral Andromeda
Antennae Galaxies
Antennae Galaxies
galaxy pair Corvus
Aquarius Dwarf
Aquarius Dwarf
irregular dwarf Aquarius
peculiar Aquarius
Backward Galaxy
Backward Galaxy
unbarred spiral Centaurus
Barnard's Galaxy
Barnard's Galaxy
barred irregular Sagittarius
Bear's Paw
Bear's Paw
compact dwarf Lynx
Black Eye Galaxy
Black Eye Galaxy
spiral Coma Berenices
Bode's Galaxy
Bode's Galaxy
spiral Ursa Major
Burbidge's Chain
Burbidge's Chain
galaxy group Sculptor
Butterfly Galaxies
Butterfly Galaxies
unbarred spiral Virgo
Carafe Group
Carafe Group
galaxy group Caelum
Carina Dwarf
Carina Dwarf
spheroidal dwarf Carina
Cartwheel Galaxy
Cartwheel Galaxy
lenticular Sculptor
Centaurus A
Centaurus A
elliptical Centaurus
Cetus A
Cetus A
barred spiral Cetus
Cigar Galaxy
Cigar Galaxy
starburst Ursa Major
Circinus Galaxy
Circinus Galaxy
Seyfert Circinus
Coddington's Nebula
Coddington's Nebula
spiral dwarf Ursa Major
Coma Cluster
Coma Cluster
galaxy cluster Coma Benerices
Coma Pinwheel Galaxy
Coma Pinwheel Galaxy
spiral Coma Benerices
Comet Galaxy
Comet Galaxy
spiral Sculptor
Copeland Septet
Copeland Septet
galaxy group Leo
Cosmos Redshift 7
Cosmos Redshift 7
Lyman-alpha emitter Sextans
Cygnus A
Cygnus A
radio galaxy Cygnus
Draco Dwarf
Draco Dwarf
spheroidal Draco
Eye of Sauron
Eye of Sauron
Seyfert Canes Venatici
Eyes Galaxies
Eyes Galaxies
galaxy pair Virgo
Fath 703
Fath 703
spiral Libra
Fireworks Galaxy
Fireworks Galaxy
spiral Cygnus
Fornax A
Fornax A
lenticular Fornax
Fornax Dwarf
Fornax Dwarf
elliptical dwarf Fornax
Fourcade-Figueroa object
Fourcade-Figueroa object
galaxy shred Centaurus
Grus Quartet
Grus Quartet
spiral Grus
Hardcastle Nebula
Hardcastle Nebula
barred spiral Centaurus
Helix Galaxy
Helix Galaxy
Seyfert Ursa Major
Hercules A
Hercules A
radio galaxy Hercules
Hoag's Object
Hoag's Object
ring Serpens
Hockey Stick Galaxy
Hockey Stick Galaxy
barred spiral Canes Venatici
Hydra A
Hydra A
galaxy cluster Hydra
Integral Sign Galaxy
Integral Sign Galaxy
spiral Camelopardalis
Keenan's System
Keenan's System
spiral/globular Ursa Major
Kowal's Object
Kowal's Object
dwarf Sagittarius
Large Magellanic Cloud
Large Magellanic Cloud
spiral Dorado
Leo I
Leo I
spheroidal dwarf Leo
Leo II
Leo II
spheroidal dwarf Leo
irregular Leo
Leo Triplet
Leo Triplet
galaxy group Leo
Lindsay-Shapley Ring
Lindsay-Shapley Ring
lenticular/ring Volans
Little Sombrero Galaxy
Little Sombrero Galaxy
spiral Pegasus
Maffei I
Maffei I
elliptical Cassiopeia
Maffei II
Maffei II
spiral Cassiopeia
Malin 1
Malin 1
spiral Coma Berenices
Mayall's Object
Mayall's Object
galaxy pair Ursa Major
McLeish's Object
McLeish's Object
barred spiral Virgo
Medusa Merger
Medusa Merger
galaxy pair Ursa Major
Messier 110
Messier 110
elliptical dwarf Andromeda
Messier 32
Messier 32
dwarf Andromeda
Mice Galaxies
Mice Galaxies
spiral pair Coma Berenices
Minkowski's Object
Minkowski's Object
lenticular Cetus
Needle Galaxy
Needle Galaxy
spiral Coma Berenices
Pegasus Dwarf
Pegasus Dwarf
irregular dwarf Pegasus
Perseus A
Perseus A
Seyfert Perseus
Phoenix Dwarf
Phoenix Dwarf
irregular dwarf Phoenix
Pinwheel Galaxy
Pinwheel Galaxy
spiral Ursa Major
Pisces Cloud
Pisces Cloud
galaxy group Pisces
Pisces Dwarf
Pisces Dwarf
irregular dwarf Pisces
Reinmuth 80
Reinmuth 80
spiral Virgo
Sagittarius Dwarf
Sagittarius Dwarf
elliptical dwarf Sagittarius
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
elliptical dwarf Sculptor
Sculptor Galaxy
Sculptor Galaxy
spiral Sculptor
Seashell Galaxy
Seashell Galaxy
galaxy group Centaurus
Sextans A
Sextans A
irregular dwarf Sextans
Sextans B
Sextans B
irregular dwarf Sextans
Seyfert's Sextet
Seyfert's Sextet
galaxy group Serpens
Small Magellanic Cloud
Small Magellanic Cloud
irregular dwarf Tucana
Sombrero Galaxy
Sombrero Galaxy
lenticular Virgo
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
barred spiral Hydra
Spindle Galaxy
Spindle Galaxy
lenticular Draco
Spindle Galaxy
Spindle Galaxy
lenticular Sextans
Stephan's Quintet
Stephan's Quintet
galaxy group Pegasus
Sunflower Galaxy
Sunflower Galaxy
spiral Canes Venatici
Tadpole Galaxy
Tadpole Galaxy
barred spiral Draco
The Guitar
The Guitar
galaxy pair Ursa Major
Triangulum Galaxy
Triangulum Galaxy
spiral Triangulum
Ursa Minor Dwarf
Ursa Minor Dwarf
spheroidal dwarf Ursa Minor
Virgo A
Virgo A
elliptical supergiant Virgo
Whale galaxy
Whale galaxy
barred spiral Canes Venatici
Whirlpool Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy
spiral Ursa Major
Wild's Triplet
Wild's Triplet
spiral Virgo
barred irregular Cetus